This repository contains the C++ implementation of the riCOM (Real Time Centre Of Mass) algorithm for 4D Scanning electron microscopy.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2021 Thomas Friedrich, Chu-Ping Yu,
2  * University of Antwerp - All Rights Reserved.
3  * You may use, distribute and modify
4  * this code under the terms of the GPL3 license.
5  * You should have received a copy of the GPL3 license with
6  * this file. If not, please visit:
7  * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
8  *
9  * Authors:
10  * Thomas Friedrich <thomas.friedrich@uantwerpen.be>
11  * Chu-Ping Yu <chu-ping.yu@uantwerpen.be>
12  */
14 #include "ProgressMonitor.h"
16 ProgressMonitor::ProgressMonitor(size_t fr_total, bool b_bar, float report_interval, std::ostream &out) : fr_count(0), fr_count_i(0), fr_freq(0),
17  report_set(false), report_set_public(false),
18  first_frame(true), fr(0), fr_avg(0), fr_count_a(0),
19  time_stamp(chc::high_resolution_clock::now()), unit("kHz"),
20  unit_bar("#"), unit_space("-")
21 {
22  this->fr_total = fr_total;
23  this->b_bar = b_bar;
24  this->out = &out;
25  this->report_interval = report_interval;
26 }
28 int ProgressMonitor::GetBarLength()
29 {
30  // get console width and according adjust the length of the progress bar
31  int bar_length = static_cast<int>((TERMINAL_WIDTH - CHARACTER_WIDTH_PERCENTAGE) / 2.);
32  return bar_length;
33 }
35 void ProgressMonitor::ClearBarField()
36 {
37  for (int i = 0; i < TERMINAL_WIDTH; ++i)
38  {
39  *out << " ";
40  }
41  *out << "\r" << std::flush;
42 }
45 {
46  fr_count_i++;
47  fr_count++;
48  auto mil_secs = chc::duration_cast<float_ms>(chc::high_resolution_clock::now() - time_stamp).count();
49  if (mil_secs > report_interval || fr_count >= fr_total)
50  {
51  fr = fr_count_i / mil_secs;
52  fr_avg += fr;
53  fr_count_a++;
54  fr_freq = fr_avg / fr_count_a;
55  Report(fr_count, fr_avg / fr_count_a);
56  report_set = true;
57  report_set_public = true;
58  }
59  return *this;
60 }
63 {
64  fr_count_i = 0;
65  report_set = false;
66  time_stamp = chc::high_resolution_clock::now();
67 }
69 void ProgressMonitor::Report(unsigned long idx, float print_val)
70 {
71  try
72  {
73  if (idx > fr_total)
74  throw idx;
76  if (b_bar) // Print out the Progressbar and Frequency
77  {
78  // calculate percentage of progress
79  double progress_percent = idx * TOTAL_PERCENTAGE / fr_total;
81  // calculate the size of the progress bar
82  int bar_size = GetBarLength();
84  // calculate the percentage value of a unit bar
85  double percent_per_unit_bar = TOTAL_PERCENTAGE / bar_size;
87  // display progress bar
88  *out << "\r"
89  << "[";
91  for (int bar_length = 0; bar_length <= bar_size - 1; ++bar_length)
92  {
93  if (bar_length * percent_per_unit_bar < progress_percent)
94  {
95  *out << unit_bar;
96  }
97  else
98  {
99  *out << unit_space;
100  }
101  }
102  *out << "]" << std::setw(CHARACTER_WIDTH_PERCENTAGE + 1);
103  *out << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << print_val << std::fixed << " " << unit << std::flush;
104  }
105  if (idx >= fr_total)
106  {
107  *out << " " << std::endl
108  << std::flush;
109  }
110  }
111  catch (unsigned long e)
112  {
113  ClearBarField();
114  std::cerr << "EXCEPTION: frame index (" << e << ") went out of bounds (fr_total = " << fr_total << ")." << std::endl
115  << std::flush;
116  }
117 }
std::atomic< bool > report_set
std::atomic< size_t > fr_count_i
ProgressMonitor(size_t fr_total, bool b_bar=true, float report_interval=250.0, std::ostream &out=std::cerr)
ProgressMonitor & operator++()
std::atomic< size_t > fr_count
std::atomic< bool > report_set_public